Sunday, December 11, 2011


Hello photographers,

I know we have gone over due date for our circles comp but considering the time of the year that is OK, if you have your photo ready to submit please email it to me by Friday 16th Dec if you can so I can put them up and we can get on with the next exciting subject.
Some ideas for you of circles to inspire.....

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Our new subject is the shape circle, so keep those creative eyes peeled.....
Email be your pictures by 4th December.

Hello and Welcome

Firstly this is my first blog so please excuse it's basic bland look.

Welcome to the Absolutely Prizeless amateur photographic competition blog. If you are here as a photography enthusiast and would like to join us in our comp, here's a brief rundown of how it works.
Become a follower of the blog so you can see our weekly/fortnightly ( not sure yet ) subject, then submit 1 or 2 of your favourite pictures you have taken of that subject via email or dropbox if you have it, to along. Give your pictures a name too. They need to be current photos which you have taken for the competition.  The whole reason behind creating this, is to get us enthusiasts out taking photos to add to our individual portfolios, n'est pas?! And to of course have fun with it!
The photos will be put on the blog once they are all in and you can encourage your friends to follow and have a look and vote for their favourite shot.

And now to announce the prizes.........sorry as the title suggests their isn't any!
Apart from of course your own feeling of "chuffedness" that your photo was better than anyone elses, YAH!

Our competition started about a month ago with two awesome contestants who shall remain nameless and following is the photos they submitted.

Week 1, Subject: Black

Entry A. Black bars
Entry B. Black Magic 1
Black magic 2
Black beauty

Week 2, Subject: Yellow

Entry A, Yellow Lady
Yellow teapot
Entry B Yellow Flash 2
 Yellow flash 3